Halo comments

Hey non-haloed people (and recovered halo-ites) --- I appreciate your support and Im happy to chat, but...

A lot of people are really helpful and friendly and want to talk (trouble is, total so far is Hot Guys = 0. Old people, friends' mothers types, faith healers, mental health consumers = 200.)
There's only 1 topic of conversation= my headgear -- and basically 8 questions  =

Greatest hits
These are pretty much in order of how often I get em. If theres a change in ranking you'll see it here first! 
  1. I broke my neck
  2. Bike accident
  3. Yes Im lucky to be walking
  4. No I can't take it off
  5. Mid-June 2010
  6. Its more uncomfortable than painful
  7. I sleep badly
  8. No I don't have any spare pain drugs.
wondering about getting a tat so I dont have to say em :)

Most patronising
"You're brave being out and about..."
No, I just want to see this band / buy food for dinner / get  to uni. Am I supposed to stop living for 3 months? I suspect it really means 'I'd rather you stayed hidden away'.

Worst comment so far
"hey look at Frankenstein" - two drunk guys in a pub