Monday, May 24, 2010

Homer gets a halo brace

Well not really, but it sort of looks like one…

Thanks to Julian for sending me the Simpsons "Jaws Wired Shut" episode. Homer breaks his jaw (indirectly as result of a Gay Pride parade) and has to wear this halo-ish frame.

I got a big lol at the patient info manual Doc Hibbert gives Homer : "So, Your Life is Ruined". Good title… mine was just called "Your Halo Brace" or something.

In the brace Homer has to slow down and shut up and think for once so he becomes a better person. Did it work on me? Ask me mates. Great theory but I don’t know if it works in real life. All I got was sad and mean.

Oh well about 3 weeks to go. Maybe I will get saintly yet :D

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

2 month exam - the results are in

Today I had my major 2-month fracture/neuro review and my halo brace is still 100% attached Im sorry to say.

An exhausting day and I guess you all want a progress report.

First, I need to explain what I understand about my injury.
Haven't blogged about the details before, partly out of denial and also 'cause I only about 80% understand it all. I've studied the scans etc, and I still can't quite get my head around (pun intended lol) about how they all fit together or everything the docs see in them.

A tour of my vertebrae:

My C1 / axis bone>> When I hit my head I shattered the bone at the base of my skull into 3 pieces. This was serious but not a disaster apparently as there's plenty of room for the spinal cord thru this bone.

My C2 / axilla bone>> This fits into the C1 with a bony thing at the top they call the dens. I've totally broken this off, this is a 'Dens Type 2' fracture. It also extends into the main vertebra so that's counted as a 'Type 3' fracture as well. [correction posted 14/5/10].
I also ruptured the transverse ligament which holds my neck together.

The total result is there was little holding my head on, which at some point caused damage or a bleed in my spinal cord, affecting my RHS.

The results:
ORTHO- A bit disappointing.
1. No hope of getting out of the halo brace at 9 weeks. I will need at least the full 12 weeks
2. Clinical signs of bone growth between the three C1 frx.
3. Maybe bone growth at C2 but they're unsure about full bony union on time
4. My transverse ligament is apparently at the limit of what can heal naturally.
5. Increasing chance I'll need an op - maybe to repair the ligament and put a bone graft and a screw in my C2.
6. Zilch chance of going straight from the halo to freedom - I'll need to wear a brace for ??weeks.
7. C1 C2 provides a lot of neck movement so I will prolly have lifelong stiff neck to some extent whether I need the op or not.

NEURO - Better news!
I still have Brown-Sequard right side impairment but neuro doc says there's been improvement. Potential for maybe 80% or even 90% of full function.
1. My R hand is better for exercise and hand therapy. Measurably better grip and sensation!
2. Ditto my foot - more natural gait he says.

Obviously I'm disappointed at the prospect of more pain and disability to come maybe but I'm not discouraged!

I've made good progress already with lots more to come. I never expected this to be easy.

It's not an experience Ive always handled well but I'm aiming to be the best I can over the next recovery stage. Thanks for your love and support everyone...